(Update on Moon Dancer- After receiving vet care, teeth floating and much grooming, attention and loving kindness, he has found a perfect new home grazing in the winter in the National park and carrying packs for visitors in the summer.)
I had ridden this beautiful horse twice. Two years ago on a cattle round up we went high into the hills with the old timers who knew how to flush out the cows and calves who had separated and hidden from the rest of the herd in crevasses He was awesome. When his owner wanted a new home for him because he was too energetic, I was looking for an lively smaller horse. I was not informed that head tossing was the real issue. I believe in the two years since I had ridden him he received some rough handling and a severe bit which ulcerated his mouth. Now he is living at Harmony Hill and receiving love and gentle handling and working at Liberty till we are sure he is safe to ride and happy to be ridden.
Mariann, Melisa and Moon Dancer |