Sunday, March 17, 2013

Goodbye Facebook, Hello Sky

Why I decactivated

What started as a fun way to connect with human friends became an addictive advertising tool.  I became manipulated by parts of myself I do not want to encourage - vanity, eavesdropping, and desire to connect superficially and virtually.

 What was once 'my' newsfeed  became an advertising billboard for events I cannot remove.  FB does not respond to 3 dimensional humans with blood in their veins, only to algorithms.

I wish to connect with 3D people  I have actually met, in meaningful ways.  I rejoice in the time and space I now have to look at the earth and sky. 

Black cows graze the emerald hillside
Bright strips of candy cotton clouds cross robin's egg's blue sky
The sun drops behind the hill,  the cattle fade into into her folds as we darken into night.
Harmony Hill sunsets are music to my eyes

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